Home always be the first and the last place to run to, to escape from the wild world, to get the comfort feeling and happiness, right? Even this not my real home, but lived there for about 3 months in my life really gave me much happiness and comfort just like the feeling that i get in my real home. All those morning tea times that i spent there will always be one of the most nice moment that i have for life, having a nice talk with my host mom and my counterpart, seeing cars from the window, snow falling, Elliot's barking, the sound of the stairs when we get in, all the cookies that my mom kept just for me, the cold breeze every night, all those sweets desserts after dinner, monopoly hours, movie times with the kids, playing around the house doing nothing, write silly things on the blackboard, fooling around with my hostdad, cooking and singing with my counterpart, those oh-Gosh-i-really-want-to-pee but 'There's someone in the bathroom!', Glee's songs that played too much, sweet and salt popcorn that we ate every midnight, the ringing phone, the warmth of the fresh laundry, all those gloves that hang on the stairs that really annoyed my eyes, pencils and draw draw draw, my pink little room, morning baggles with butter, oh.. Everything. Every single thing that i spent there will always be a great memory to keep in my brain (so please don't get amnesia or alzheimer or well just don't!) You know good will times always come, but exactly the same good times will never come for twice so memory is the best way to keep it existed. So enjoy every moment! :)